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Top 100 Courses Badge

It’s here! GOLF’s 2020-21 ranking of the Top 100 Courses in the U.S.

When it comes to course design, it’s the ultimate badge of honor: a spot on GOLF’s biennial rank of the best courses in America. This year, we welcome a record 17 new entries — and beauty you won’t find anywhere else.

Methodology: How we rate our courses | Meet our expert panelists

Top 100 Courses sorted by state and architect

More GOLF course rankings by region: Top 50 in Northeast | Top 50 in Southeast | Top 50 in Midwest | Top 50 in West

Course descriptions below by Ran Morrissett, Josh Sens and Hayes Jackson. Images in revolving gallery above: Pebble Beach (Channing Benjamin); National Golf Links (Tyler Smith); Seminole (Patrick Koenig); Gozzer Ranch (Brian Oar); Cypress Point (Evan Schiller)

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