Short Game

Use the stack and tilt method to hit perfect wedge shots from 50-125 yards

When your short game is superb, your scores will be lower. But finding the golden touch with your wedges from 50-125 yards can be difficult, with many amateurs struggling to find any sort of consistency.

But Parker McLachlin, aka “Short Game Chef,” is here to share the ingredients to improve your wedge game.

In the video above, McLachlin focuses on the stack and tilt method when hitting a wedge shot between 50-125 yards, saying it’s perfect for distances like this because it gets “your pressure forward,” making it ideal for hitting down on the ball.

“As your weight position got forward, it allows you to hit down on that ball, allowing that ball to come out low,” he says. “All the best wedge players in the world hit their wedges low; especially from 50-125 yards. So we want to flight our wedges down, probably lower than you would imagine.”

In order to do this, McLachlin says it all goes back to something simple: The setup.

Master wedge shots by reimagining your setup, says short-game star
By: Nick Dimengo

“We want to get our weight position slightly forward at address. This is going to match up with a ball position that’s slightly forward,” he says. “This is going to allow for that nice downward attack angle, it’s going to allow me good ball contact, and it’s going to help me flight this ball low.”

By following these tips, McLachlin says you’ll avoid hitting those higher wedge shots from 50-125 yards — which tend to sail on a player, and risk flying the green. They also don’t allow a player to have a ton of control like a lower-flighted shot does.

“I don’t want to see a 70-yard shot really, really high,” he says. “We want to be able to control this thing, so we want it to come out low, and it’s going to have some spin on it.”

So try giving the stack and tilt method a go during your next round. You won’t only have a better angle of attack to hit the ball more pure, but you’ll also have better control, leaving you with closer putts to finish off the hole with.

For more tips from the Short Game Chef, check out McLachlin’s website.

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